The Founding Titan: A History of Power and Control in Attack on Titan

Founding Titan

The Founding Titan is a central element of the Attack on Titan anime, captivating fans with its immense power and mysterious origins. This unique Titan power is passed down through the royal bloodline of the Fritz family and possesses the ability to control and manipulate the memories and actions of other Titans, as well as alter the memories of Eldians. In this article, we explore the history and significance of the Founding Titan, shedding light on its role in the story and its impact on the larger conflict.

According to the Attack on Titan lore, the Founding Titan was created by Ymir Fritz, a legendary figure who made a pact with the "source of all organic matter" and gained the power of the Titans. Ymir then used her powers to help build the nation of Eldia and establish the Fritz family as its rulers. Over time, the Eldian Empire fell into decline, and the power of the Titans became a source of conflict and power struggles among the various factions.

Despite its immense power, the Founding Titan has a significant limitation: it can only be used by those of royal blood. This means that only members of the Fritz family can fully harness its power, leading to a long history of bloodshed and political maneuvering. The Founding Titan's power has been coveted by many throughout history, including the Marleyan government, which seeks to use it to further its own interests.

Throughout the Attack on Titan series, the Founding Titan changes hands several times, eventually falling into the possession of the main protagonist, Eren Yeager. Eren's possession of the power leads to many unexpected twists and turns in the story, as he struggles to come to terms with its incredible power and his own role in the larger conflict. The Founding Titan's legacy continues to shape the course of the series for seasons to come.

In conclusion, the Founding Titan is a fascinating element of the Attack on Titan universe, with its history and significance explored in depth throughout the course of the series. Its immense power and limitations make it a force to be reckoned with, and its legacy will continue to impact the story for seasons to come. For fans of the anime, the Founding Titan is an essential part of the story, with its power and impact on the larger conflict keeping viewers engaged and eager to learn more.