Unleashing the Power of Hantengu, the Upper Moon 4 in Demon Slayer

upper moon 4 hantengu


Demon Slayer fans know that the Upper Moons are the most powerful demons in the series, and Hantengu is the newest member to join this elite group. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at Hantengu's powers, abilities, and personality traits that make him a formidable opponent for the demon slayers.

Powers and Abilities:

Hantengu possesses unique powers that set him apart from other demons. He has the ability to create multiple copies of himself, which can confuse and overwhelm his opponents. These copies are not just visual illusions, but they are tangible entities that possess the same strength and abilities as the original Hantengu.

In addition to his ability to create copies, Hantengu is also skilled in the art of transformation. He can change his appearance into that of anyone he chooses, which makes him an elusive target for demon slayers who are trying to track him down.


Despite being a demon, Hantengu has a complex personality that makes him a fascinating character. He is intelligent and cunning, always strategizing and planning his next move. He also possesses a playful side, often teasing and taunting his opponents to throw them off guard.

Another interesting aspect of Hantengu's personality is his love for games. He is always seeking new challenges and is particularly fond of puzzles and riddles. This love of games is reflected in his powers, as he enjoys creating illusions and manipulating his opponents like pieces on a game board.

Formidable Foe:

Hantengu's unique powers, cunning personality, and love for games make him a formidable opponent for the demon slayers. His ability to create copies and transform his appearance make him a difficult target to track down, and his intelligence and cunning allow him to stay one step ahead of his opponents.


Hantengu is a fascinating addition to the world of Demon Slayer. His unique powers, cunning personality, and love for games make him a formidable foe for the demon slayers. As the story continues to unfold, we can expect to see more of Hantengu's powers and personality traits revealed, making him a character worth keeping an eye on.

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